Blue Light Series – Part 3 – The Solution, By Benjamin V. Clingan, OD

Our last post had some disturbing news about negative consequences of blue light. These next three posts will each discuss a specific way to limit your exposure to blue light.

THE SOLUTION – Lenses and Screen filters

Most of you that wear glasses are already aware of anti-reflective (AR) coatings and their benefit. Another coating to be mindful of is a blue-blocker. These can be added to your glasses or can be available as screen filters/protectors to prevent the blue light from ever reaching your eyes. Every lens manufacturer has their own blue-blocking technology and many are included in the AR coatings. Below is a link to one manufacturer:

Other companies make glasses specifically for computers and this digital age. They are mostly for nonprescription glasses, but some of their frames are compatible with your prescription. Below is one such company:

Next are screen filters/protectors, depending on your device this might be an easier option than glasses. If you are someone who has never worn or doesn’t like to wear glasses this could also be more preferable. Of course, you can use both the screens and the glasses for even more comfort. Below are some screens for small and large devices:

Additionally, there are settings on your computers and Apps available for all devices to limit the blue light they emit. Below is a tutorial:

For another compilation of resources follow this link:

Next time we will discuss supplements that are available to protect your eyes from the inside. Make sure to schedule your Routine Eye Exams and feel free to schedule an appointment or visit our optical to discuss how to protect your eyes from blue light.

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